Difference between revisions of "carcan-wong"

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From Palm Leaf Wiki
(Front and Back Covers)
(regenerate transliteration)
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==== Leaf 1 ====
==== Leaf 1 ====
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[᭑ 1 B]
[᭑ 1 B]
</transcription><transliteration>[1 1 B]
==== Leaf 1 ====
[1 1 B]
  ||| o ||| ōmawighnamastu. ikicarccaningwwang. 0. </transliteration>
  /// • /// ōmawighnamastu. ikicarccaningwwang. 0. </transliteration>
==== Leaf 2 ====
==== Leaf 2 ====

Revision as of 21:49, 6 August 2019

Original on Archive.org

Front and Back Covers

carcan-wong 0.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 1

carcan-wong 1.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

[᭑ 1 B] ᭑ ᭛᭜᭛ᬒᬁᬅᬯᬶᬖ᭄ᬦᬫᬲ᭄ᬢᬸ᭟ᬇᬓᬶᬘᬃᬘ᭄ᬘᬦᬶᬂᬯ᭄ᬯᬂ᭟᭐᭟
==== Leaf 1 ==== {{EntryImage |EntryID=carcan-wong |Title=1 |FullSize=5616x3744 |ImageBrowse=https://archive.org/stream/carcan-wong/carcan-wong-300ppi#page/n1/mode/1up |LocalFileName=carcan-wong_1.jpeg }} [1 1 B] 1 /// • /// ōmawighnamastu. ikicarccaningwwang. 0.

Leaf 2

carcan-wong 2.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 3

carcan-wong 3.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 4

carcan-wong 4.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 5

carcan-wong 5.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 6

carcan-wong 6.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 7

carcan-wong 7.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 8

carcan-wong 8.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 9

carcan-wong 9.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 10

carcan-wong 10.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 11

carcan-wong 11.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 12

carcan-wong 12.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 13

carcan-wong 13.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 14

carcan-wong 14.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 15

carcan-wong 15.jpeg

Image on Archive.org

Leaf 16

carcan-wong 16.jpeg

Image on Archive.org