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'''Cakĕp''' a single bundle of lontar manuscript. A single bundle may contain several texts.
'''Cakĕp''' a single bundle of lontar manuscript. A single bundle may contain several texts.
'''Carcan''' texts that classify various properties and kinds of a certain subject, usually with their meaning and effect for humans.
'''Carcan''' texts that classify various properties and kinds of a certain subject, usually with their symbolic meaning and effect for humans.
'''Gĕguritan''' a metred poem that is sung, usually using vernacular language that is easy to understood.
'''Gĕguritan''' a metred poem that is sung, usually using vernacular language that is easy to understood.

Revision as of 08:35, 30 August 2019

Bahasa Indonesia

Awig-awig hukum adat yang disusun dan ditaati oleh masyarakat sebuah desa tertentu.

Babad teks yang memiliki kandungan sejarah.

Cakĕp lontar yang telah diikat dalam satu naskah. Satu cakĕp dapat memiliki beberapa teks.

Carcan teks yang menguraikan berbagai ciri dan jenis suatu subjek tertentu, umumnya dengan arti dan pengaruh baik-buruknya bagi manusia.

Gĕguritan puisi berbentuk tembang yang bisa dinyanyikan, umumnya dalam bahasa sehari-hari yang mudah dimengerti.

Kakawin puisi berbahasa Jawa Kuno, dengan struktur bait yang diadaptasi dari norma puisi Sansekerta.

Lĕmpir lembar lontar yang telah ditulis.

Lĕyak orang yang mempraktekkan sihir hitam dan membawa pengaruh buruk.

Niskala dunia yang tidak kasat mata.

Rajah · Rĕrajahan gambar atau diagram yang memiliki makna simbolik tertentu.

Sĕkala dunia yang kasat mata.

Tutur teks yang berisi ajaran dan nasihat.

Ugĕr-ugĕr teks mengenai tata tulis.

Usada teks mengenai pengobatan.


Awig-awig a set of rules made by and for village residents.

Babad text on historical subjects, chronicles.

Cakĕp a single bundle of lontar manuscript. A single bundle may contain several texts.

Carcan texts that classify various properties and kinds of a certain subject, usually with their symbolic meaning and effect for humans.

Gĕguritan a metred poem that is sung, usually using vernacular language that is easy to understood.

Kakawin a metred poem using the Kawi or Old Javanese Language, with norms that are adapted from Sanskrit poetic forms.

Lĕmpir a page of lontar that has been written.

Lĕyak a practitioner of malevolent magic that brings bad influence.

Niskala the unseen world, the paranormal.

Rajah · Rĕrajahan pictures or diagrams with symbolic significance.

Sĕkala the seen world, the mundane.

Tutur text containing advices.

Ugĕr-ugĕr text containing orthographic rules.

Usada text concerning medicine and healing.